BIND25 ~ preserving the past and crafting the future ~
A signature of bookbinders. A catalogue of conservators. A bevy of book artists. A nib of calligraphers. An edition of printers.
A compendium of librarians. A palette of illustrators. An assemblage of collectors. A society of students. A gathering of all these people and more coming together for 12 days of preserving the past and crafting the futureā¦..This is BIND25
Continuing the proud tradition of Australasian conferences (Auckland 2014, Canberra 2017, Sydney 2019, Brisbane 2023) it is brought to you for the express purpose of celebrating the ancient crafts, and also ourselves as custodians of the knowledge that we seek to preserve
for passing onto future generations.
Come for just the main Conference Weekend, beginning with the opening night and then to listen to our presenters from here and afar.
Or come for the whole 12 days. Start with the Wayzgoose, attend some workshops, take in the exhibitions, join the site visits,
find just what you need at the trade tables, enjoy the Saturday night dinner and bid on anything or everything at the auction,
explore Auckland or further afield, socialise, network, learn, share and, when you return home,
take with you an enhanced enthusiasm for the ancient crafts associated with the book.
If you are thinking of becoming a delegate then register here and check out the accommodation specials, discover how to get around Auckland, navigate your way around the AUT campus and find the vital car parking information.
Apply for a Student Grant here and, thinking ahead, enter the
John Sansom Memorial Competition here
Join us to explore the possibilities ...The BIND25 Conference committee.
Countdown to BIND25
Countdown finished!